Archive – News
- Director Jane Kruse, on behalf of the entire team at Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy:December 10 2024 December is always a month filled with great expectations. About the sweet Christmas season, spending time with family and friends, the joy of giving and the joy …
- Uncertain future in Thy: Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy is out of the Danish 2025 Finance ActDue to a lack of funding through the Danish Finance Act, which was presented on November 22, 2024 at 10 a.m., the 41-year-old NGO in Thy, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable …
- Crops in the Nordic Folkecenter’s vegetable garden and biodomeFor those who are interested, here is a list of crops that our organic farmer, Mathias Dyreborg, has grown in Nordic Folkecenter’s vegetable garden and biodome: Root vegetables Potatoes: Sava, …
- Renewable Energy Conference 2024 (#REC24) in MunyonyoGreetings from Uganda. Wearing badges brought from Nordic Folkecenter, employees and volunteers from JEEP Folkecenter together with Lene Høgh and Gitte Davidsen participated in the 4th in the series of …
- Evaluating CISU development projects in UgandaVolunteer Lene Høgh and Sustainability Manager Gitte Davidsen are currently in Uganda to evaluate our CISU development projects: SDCA and CAISL. First off is the evaluation of the proces in …
- Workshop: Create your own sustainable and energy-saving Christmas presentChristmas is just around the corner, and everyone is starting to look for Christmas presents for their loved ones. This year you have the opportunity to make and give a …
- CAISL: “A small project with huge significance”It is the CAISL project that is being talked about – at the seminar, Thursday 10 October 2024, the results of the project were presented; and what results. The project …
- 9th International Conference on Small & Medium Wind EnergyBy Daniele Pagani If you are interested in small wind turbines, you already know why September is an important month for the sector; for the others, it is because it …
- Seminar on the CAISL Project (DA)Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy invites you to a seminar on the CAISL Project (Climate Action for Improved and Sustainable Livelihoods). The project focuses on the promotion of sustainable local …
- New course: Build your own self-sufficiency with Nordic Folkecenter and Victron EnergyCLOSED FOR REGISTRATIONS The installation, which includes solar panels, a wind turbine, batteries, battery chargers and three inverters, is set up in such a way that it is possible to …
- Klimafolkemødet 2024Again this year, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy participated in the Climate People’s Meeting (org.: Klimafolkemødet), where we talked to interested guests about our trainee program, our work with the …
- Extraordinary general assembly in the Support GroupNordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy’s Support Group hereby convenes an extraordinary general assembly. Saturday 7 September 2024 at 14:00 in Skibstedfjord Building Kammersgaardsvej 16, Sdr. Ydby, 7760 Hurup Agenda: Selection …
- Birth of a Small Wind Turbine – The Story of TWE Tandem Wind EnergyRead the story of the TWE Tandem Wind Energy wind turbine and of how Nordic Folkecenter helped its development
- Vacation at Nordic Folkecenter? Yes, it is possibleIf you follow our profiles on social media you probably saw some days ago some pictures about two unknown girls in Nordic Folkecenter.
- Need help with ESG?The abbreviation ‘ESG’ stands for Environment, Social & Governance and it is a collection of efforts within strategy work that organizations and companies must do to meet the increasing number …
- POEASE – Final ConferenceOverview of what happened during the POEASE final conference (20.06.2024)
- Ordinary General Assembly 2024Report from the ordinary general assembly 22 June 2024 at 14:00. Summarized and written together based on the report. By Jane Kruse. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email
- Students are blown away by renewable energyStrong winds blow over Southern Thy, while we blow German students from Karl-Peter-Obermaier-Schule Passau full of theoretical and practical knowledge about renewable energy. They have come here via the Erasmus+ …
- Education approved: “many a mickle makes a muckle”The Arctic Supply Operator education is approved by the Greenland Department of Education. In Greenland, the energy supply is mostly decentralized. This means that every town and settlement has its …
- Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling / Call for the ordinary general assemblyNordisk Folkecenter inviterer hermed til ordinær generalforsamling i Støttekredsen LØRDAG DEN 22. JUNI 2024 KL. 14:00. Nordic Folkecenter hereby invites you to the ordinary general assembly of the Support Group SATURDAY 22 JUNE 2024, 14:00
- Webinar: The Great Green Wall: Africa’s answer to climate change problems (EN)A webinar that shed light on the inspiring Great Green Wall Initiative in Africa. This innovative project aims to combat climate change, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss by creating a belt of forested areas across various regions of Africa.
- The Thy Case in Mission Green FuelsThe Thy Case is included in DEEP project. As part of Nordic Folkecenter’s participation in the sub-project DEEP (Designing Community Collaboration for Sustainable Energy Parks) in the project Mission Green …
- Event: Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi på Green Future ThySolen skinnede fra en skyfri himmel d. 19. maj 2024, hvor Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi deltog i arrangementet Green Future Thy. Eventet var arrangeret af VisitNordvestkysten, og løb af …
- Debatindlæg om Nordisk Folkecenters aktiviteterAvisen Nordjyske bragte den 27. april en artikel, hvor tidligere formand Christian N. Grant rejser kritik af centrets bestyrelse og forstander og ytrer, at centret er gået i stå i …
- EU Miljø-og Klimavalgmøde: Byg vores EU-Parlament (DA)Pak arbejdshandskerne, de gode spørgsmål, tænd for ørerne og vær med til at bygge vores EU-Parlament, når Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi indbyder til EU Miljø- og Klimavalgmøde om forventninger …
- Experiment: Sphagnum versus coconut mulch/coco coirMathias Dyreborg, our organic farmer, has done a small experiment with iceberg lettuce and set up the camera so we can follow along. Below you can watch the video where …
- The children are waiting – drive them to the Nordic FolkecenterThe season for Green Safari at the Nordic Folkecenter has started again, and we are looking forward to all the visits from schools and kindergartens from near and far. At …
- The board of FolkecenterPer Thostrup, chairman of Nordic Folkecenter says: – At the board meeting on the 22’nd of April 2024, Lars Grøn Schjoldager was elected vice chairman. The former chairman, Christian Nereus …
- POEASE – Once Again in GreeceJust couple of weeks after the PERMAGOV meeting, we also attended the POEASE project meeting, which took place in Thessaloniki (Greece) from 4th to 8th of March. Also in this case, Tonny Brink and Daniele Pagani represented Folkecenter.
- Network for Green SMEsA network for SMEs at the Nordic Folkecenter, which strengthens companies, promotes sustainable projects and contributes to the green transition.
- Updates from the MissionGreenFuels ProjectSince mid-2022, Nordic Folkecenter has participated in the MissionGreenFuels partnership, which aims to contribute significantly to the climate goals for 2030 and 2050 as well as support Danish research, innovation, growth and export potential within green fuels
- Folkecenter’s iconic blue wind turbine turns 40 yearsAfter 40 years of operation, the blades still spin without problems on the iconic blue wind turbine at Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy. When you arrive at Thy from the …
- Nordic Folkecenter is appointing a deputy directorNordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy in Sønder Ydby in Thy has a 40-year history as an innovation, development and training center for renewable energy solutions. Jane Kruse, director of the …
- Webinar: Er der en fremtid for husbatterier?Solcelleejerne har vidst det længe: Det er ikke altid vi er hjemme, til at bruge vores hjemmeproducerede strøm, når den er ”frisk fra produktion”. Derfor sælges den til den aktuelle …
- Nordic Folkecenter Visits JEEP Folkecenter in UgandaNordic Folkecenter’s volunteer Lene Høgh and Sustainability Manager Gitte Davidsen were in November 2023 on a monitoring visit to Uganda in connection with our CISU-supported project Climate Action for Improved & Sustainable Livelihoods (CAISL).
- Meetings with MPsNordic Folkecenters lobby-delegation continue meeting with members of parliament. In the last week of november we have met with Samira Nawara who his climate spores person for Radikale Venstre, and …
- VIDEO: Adventskalender – Historien om Nordisk FolkecenterJuletid og dermed tid for årets adventskalender fra Nordisk Folkecenter. Denne gang står adventskalenderen i i jubilæets tegn, da 2023 er Folkecentrets 40-års jubilæumsår. I fire afsnit fortæller vi derfor …
- VIDEO: Cooking on the sun generator in november“Dark is november” is the title of a danish autum-song by Thorkild Bjørnvig. That’s true but despise the limited amount of sun this time of year, our pv-panels are still …
- VIDEO: I have fallen in love with Denmark – Camilla Vélez from ColombiaCamilla Vélez is an architect from Colombia who has been with us at Nordic Folkecenter as trainee and project assistant for almost one and a half year. While she has …
- VIDEO: Meet our trainees – Güneş GüloğluGüneş Güloğlu is studying energy system engineering and has been a trainee at Nordic Folkecenter for the past six months where he has worked on a wave energy project together …
- Folkecenter Attended the Citizens’ Meetings Arranged by the Sydthy Energy AssociationIn week 46, the newly established Energy Association Sydthy held citizen meetings in Vestervig, Bedsted and Hurup (DK). Nordic Folkecenter participated in all three meetings.
- POEASE – Project MeetingsUpdates from the POEASE project: transnational meetings in Thessaloniki and Pamplona
- FC has a new Electric Car!Former trainees – or anyone who has been in Folkecenter in the last ten years – will remember the “Red car”, companion of many excursions and adventures. Well, time passes for everyone, including for the red car…and one day it is just time to move on!
- Nordic Folkecenter represents Scandinavian renewable energy companies at the UN procurement seminarIn the coming week, the UN procurement seminar will be held in the UN city in Copenhagen. The Nordic Folkecenter for Sustainable Energy participates on behalf of a number of …
- Folkecenter met with member of parliament from GreenlandBy the end of October a delegation from Nordic Folkecenter met with member of parliament Aaja Chemnitz from Inuit Ataqatigiit (IA), to talk about Folkecenter’s arctic project which focus on …
- Energiudspil – Husk vilkårene for husstandsvindmøllerRegeringens udspil om hurtig udbygning af vedvarende energi på land, med energiparker og mindre bureaukrati som værktøjer, er grundlæggende godt og nødvendigt. Det er vigtigt, at man i den forbindelse ikke glemmer landbefolkningen og deres muligheder for opstilling af husstandsvindmøller, lyder det fra Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi.
- 30 halinspektører på rundvisning og bæredygtighedskursusI slutningen af september var 30 medlemmer af Halinspektørforeningen på tre dages Green Sport Facility ERFA-møde i Thy. De lagde ud med en workshop om FN’s verdensmål, som Nordisk Folkecenter …
- VIDEO: Speakers and presentations from the 8th International Conference on Small and Medium Wind Energy112 people from 42 countries participated in the 8th International Conference on Small and Medium Wind Energy which was held physically at Nordic Folkecenter in September 2023 as well as …
- Christian Nereus Grant – new chairman of Nordic FolkecenterChristian Nereus Grant takes over as chairman of the board at Nordic Folkecenter and replaces former MP, Ole Vagn Christensen, after many years as chairman and member of the Folkecenter …
- VIDEO: Senegalese trainee working on Folkecenter’s Passive HouseOusmane Diallo from Sennegal, who is studying to be general engineer at Ecam in Rennes, France, has been trainee at Nordic Folkecenter throughout the summer. He has worked on a …
- VIDEO: Take a tour round Folkecenter’s gardensThough the onions have been harvested and a lot of the potatoes has been dug up there’s still lots of life, flowers and growth in the vegetable gardens of Folkecenter. …
- You can now buy the Folkecenter 40 year bookIn connection with Nordic Folkecenters 40 years anniversary we managed with great help from our fantastic network to put together a book about the history of the Folkecenter and the …
- Folkerigsdag på Nordisk FolkecenterForeningen Frit Norden afholdte i weekenden Folkerigsdag på Nordisk Folkecenter. De “perfekte rammer for en konference”, som de udtrykte det, med vores konferencecenter og smukke omgivelser. Temaerne var energidemokrati og …
- Folkecenter delegation meets with members of parliamentPolitician-tour. By the end of 2021 the majority of the Danish parliament, Folketinget, decide to put Nordic Folkecenter back on the national budget. This week a delegation for Nordic Folkecenter …
- VIDEO: Less noisy blade-design for wind turbinesThe speed at the end of the blades on big wind turbines is around 300 km/h. Our French trainee, engineering student Valentin Bobichon, has spent the summer here at Nordic …
- Trainee: “Now I want to work with renewables” Before Clement Naulleau came to Nordic Folkecenter he had never worked with renewable energy. Now he has spent his summer as trainee in Thy getting more acquainted with solar panels …
- Ekstraordinær generalforsamling den 2. septemberFolkecentrets Støttekreds holder ekstraordinær generalforsamling lørdag den 2. september klokken 11.00. På dagsorden er en række vedtægtsændringer, som blev førstegangsbehandlet på den ordinære generalforsamling den 25. juni i år. I …
- Vestas turbine in Thy sets a world record for 24-hour productionIn December 2022, Vestas began testing the company’s newest offshore wind turbine, V236-15MW, at the national test center for large wind turbines in Østerild, Thy. The turbine has now broken …
- Energy know-how and technology from Thy to UgandaNordic Folkecenter for Sustainable Energy in Thy and two NGOs in Uganda are collaborating to increase climate resilience in northwestern Uganda. The project is supported by Civil Society in Development …
- Randal Beton fokuserer på bæredygtighedDirektør og ejer af Randal Beton i Fredericia, Jan Riisager, fejrer 30 års jubilæum i virksomheden, der har ekspertise i støbning af specielle betonelementer. Virksomheden er 104 år gammel, og ud over de daglige støbeopgaver, har direktøren blikket skarpt rettet mod øget bæredygtighed.
- When Energy and Education Meet up North – Folkecenter in GreenlandAt the same time as the meeting in the Netherlands, Folkecenter took part also to another project meeting. This time, in Greenland! The project, “Operating techniques in Renewable Energy under Arctic conditions”, is running already since 2021 and it aims to develop innovative teaching material that supports and spreads competences related to the use of renewable energy in the Arctic.
- The Sea is the Limit – New Project for Folkecenter!As you probably have read in our previous newsletter, Folkecenter is now part of a new European project called Permagov. After a first online kick-off meeting which took place in January, last week (21-23 March) we had the chance to join the official kick-off meeting, which took place in Wageningen (the Netherlands). It was very nice to be in presence again, after so long time collaborating online.
- Turkish Students in Folkecenter for Learning about Solar & WindSince some years we welcome groups of VET[1] students from Türkiye, who come to Folkecenter to learn about renewable energy. For them, it is a chance to experience a new culture and to learn the basics of these technologies, which will be integral part of their work. For us, it is a possibility to reach (and to get to know) people also from remote areas of this huge country, which is Türkiye.
- Webinar: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in UkraineSimple solutions for energy saving, free online course on RES,feasibility study of installing a heat pump in a house 31 March, 2023, 11:00-12:30 (EET) – 10.00-11.30 (CET) Zoom-webinar, link for …
- Modern straw construction at Feldballe Independent SchoolIn the 90s, Denmark’s first straw house approved for habitation was built at the Nordic Folkecenter for Sustainable Energy. Lars Keller, who was heavily involved in the construction at the time, still works with straw houses, which today are something quite different from stacked straw bales. An example of modern straw construction Feldballe Friskole’s science and education building, which was built in 2021. The walls consist of straw elements, which are basically a wooden frame filled with straw.
- Viking Wind testing wind turbine for Japanese marketAt the Test center for small wind turbines, which Nordic Folkecenter operates at Hundborg, the blades of a Viking Wind turbine spin diligently in the Thy wind. The turbine is in the process of being certified so that Danish Viking Wind, which is based in Randers, can gain access to the Japanese market.
- Bjarne Nyborg – Folkecenter’s ”house artist” turns 80Bjarne Nyborg turned 80 on the 27th of February and was celebrated properly here at Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy. Bjarne Nyborg has amongst many merits been named artist of the …
- Christiansborghøring om energifællesskaber – vær med onlineNordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi er medarrangør af høring om energifælleskaber, som finder sted på Christiansborg med Lea Wermelin (S) som vært onsdag den 1. marts. Du kan deltage fysisk …
- TV-series: Folkecenters role in Denmarks RE-history Kai Hartmeyer, journalist at TV Midtvest, has produced a TV-series in seven episodes called “Kais Klimarejse”, which takes a closer look at the worlds efforts to solve climate challenges. In …
- Internship positions: openings for Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (W/M/O)!We are looking for 2-3 trainees with backgrounds in Electrical engineering and Mechanical Engineering (or similar); You will collaborate with a startup working within wave energy and support it in its preparation for testing of the prototype. Starting date: as soon as possible. Duration: 3-6 months, with possibility of extending
- EU marine governance gets a boost as new European research project sets sailEU marine governance must evolve to meet the goals and objectives established in the European Green Deal. A shift is needed from the current largely fragmented nature of marine governance toward a more cross-cutting and agile arrangement, one that is in sync with wider developments taking place at sea, at shores and on land. PERMAGOV, a recently launched Horizon Europe project, sets out to achieve that by piloting a novel multi-level governance approach for various regional seas and national waters around Europe, targeting four areas of key importance to sustainable development: maritime transport, marine energy, marine life, and marine litter.
- The ”secret” behind the success of Danish wind turbinesFor many Danes wind turbines is today something we take for granted when staring out the window. You might even say that wind turbines and their industry has become a part of Denmark’s and the Danes self-understanding as something special we as a green nation have contributed to the world. And it’s not entirely wrong to say. The world’s largest producer of wind turbines is situated in Denmark. But why is that, and how?
- Launch: “Uganda 100 % Renewable Energy Scenario and Plan by 2050”On Friday 9 February 2023 there will be the “Uganda 100 % Renewable Energy Scenario and Plan by 2050” launch, by UCD. The event will take place at JEEP Folkecenter’s …
- Is Solar Energy the Right Technology for Denmark?When thinking about solar energy, Denmark is not exactly the first country that comes in to mind. We normally associate sun with Italy, Greece, Spain and all the other Mediterranean countries. While that might be the case when choosing a holiday destination, it is not when it comes to energy.
- New Project for Folkecenter!We are happy to inform you that Folkecenter is now part of a new project, called “Multi-layer Governance Performance of Marine Policies” (PERMAGOV).
- Celebrating 40 years of Folkecenter in 2023This year, 2023, Folkecenter is celebrating its 40th anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, we are, among other things, organizing an international conference which will be take place in Folkecenter on …
- Summary of Folkecenter’s ActivitiesWith the year close to an end, it is time to have an evaluation how has been 2022 for Folkecenter: busy, but also very rewarding!
- ”Byg din egen elregning” med Nordisk FolkecenterNordisk Folkecenter bød vi 45 deltagere velkommen til workshoppen ”Byg din egen elregning”. Dagen bød på oplæg om, hvordan man kan få indflydelse på sin elregning, velsmagende tapas samt spændende debatter om batterier, husstandsvindmøller, solvarme samt elbiler.
- COP27: Folkecenter was there (virtually)By Daniele Pagani Over the past years, Folkecenter has been a fixed presence at the international Climate conferences (COP), organized by the UN; our representatives have joined these events since …
- The smart strawbale houseAmongst the sustainable buildings at Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy we find the strawbale house which was built in 1998. The strawbale house has it’s own wind turbine, solar heating, battery bank and is filled with tech and ‘internet of things’ that makes it possible to program the house for any imaginable energy-scenario.
- Recycling of wind turbine bladesUp to 95 percent of the material and components in a modern wind turbine can be disassembled and reused. On the other hand, the wings, which typically consist of fiberglass held together by hardened epoxy glue, are difficult to separate. Therefore, in many places, old wind turbine blades are deposited indefinitely.
- Energifællesskaber kan øge robustheden i vores energisystemAf Joachim Plaetner Kjeldsen I midten af november holdt Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi workshop om energifællesskaber. Folkecenterets bestyrelse, ansatte og særligt indbudte gæster deltog i workshoppen, som forsker og …
- Have you checked in with your electricity supplier today?Author: Pernille Manicus The energy prices are skyrocketing, and it is saving times for everyone; both private, business and the public sector. There is a lot of talk about energy …
- Energy savings in everyday life part 3: Tips and tricks in the kitchenRecommendations, good advice and admonitions about how we should save energy flies around – both large and small initiatives in everyday life can make a big difference – in individual …
- Energy savings in everyday life part 2: Check the temperatureWe have to wave goodbye to the long, hot baths where we step out of the shower like steaming shriveled raisins. The production of hot water costs a lot of electricity, so right here there is really something to be gained.
- Want to learn more about EURATOM? Don’t miss this event!Our partners from NOAH organize the International Conference – Options for EU Treaty Change in the Energy Field, which will take place on November 10th.Initiation of a constitutional amendment procedure …
- Workshop: Byg din egen elregningAf: Joachim Plaetner Kjeldsen Den aktuelle situation på energimarkedet har skabt en markant øget interesse blandt danskerne for elregningens sammensætning og ikke mindst for solceller, husstandsvindmøller, varmepumper mm. Nordisk Folkecenter …
- Få energi i fællesskab til bedre priser og andre fordele – gratis inspiration på torsdag Gratis og aktuelt oplæg for alle interesserede om fordelene ved et energifællesskab for f.eks. mindre bysamfund. Det er på torsdag den 3. november kl. 19 til i 21 og arrangeret …
- Croatian High School from Korčula Trained in FolkecenterThese last two weeks have been quite busy in Folkecenter, as we got to organize a training programme for a VET school* from Croatia. Srednja škola Blato, that’s the name of the institution visiting us, is a technical school from the island of Korčula, situated in the Southern parth of Croatia. The group consists of 8 young, but very motivated students (4 girls + 4 boys, all aged between 16 and 18), who are accompanied by two of their teachers: Ivana Biško (Physics) and Nela Žaknić (Biology and Chemistry); they were joined in some of their training activities by students from the Danish school of Tvind.
- Energy savings in everyday life part 1: Check your electricity priceRecommendations, good advice and admonitions about how we should save energy – part 1
- The Proceedings for the 7th International Conference on Small & Medium Wind Energy are now available!We are glad to announce that the proceedings are now available online and they can be found here. So, in case you missed some presentation because of time-zones or if you simply want to review some information, don’t wait! Presentations and recordings are there, waiting for you!
- Nordic Folkecenter’s take on micro and mini wind turbinesThere is a lot of attention towards mini and micro wind turbines at the moment, and below we have collected some points about this type of wind turbine. Nordic Folkecenter has actually tested mini wind turbines several times.
- Electrify your car travel: 8,000 kilometer electric car travelIf you are the type of person who is used to going on holiday by car around Europe, then the thought has probably crossed your mind, whether it is possible to enjoy the same freedom in an electric car? “Can I get off just as quickly, is my choice of destination and route more limited, is there even enough charging stations in Europe? And finally: what does it cost?” These are questions I will try to answer based on my own experiences with summer holiday with an electric car in the past three years.
- Schools visits Nordic FolkecenterAuthor: Pernille Manicus, translated by: Pernille Manicus Tilsted School and Sydthy Friskole visited the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy this week to learn more about biodiversity and the UN’s Sustainable …
- Webinar for Ukrainians: Heat pumps in central heating systemsNo fewer than 90 participants turned up on Zoom when the camera was switched on for the webinar “Heat pumps in central heating: how it is installed and how much …
- Workshop in LAG & FLAG about the Sustainable Development GoalsAuthor: Pernille Manicus, translated by: Pernille Manicus What is sustainable rural development? How do we ensure viable communities in Thy and on Mors? And how can venture capital support sustainable …
- Nordic Folkecenter at the Danish Klimafolkemøde 2022Author: Pernille Manicus, translated by: Pernille Manicus 1.-3. September 2022, the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy participated in the Danish Climate People’s Meeting (Klimafolkemøde) in Middelfart, where we told interested …
- Folkecenter has saved 5000 kg CO2 by Driving Electric!As you may know from our previous work, Folkecenter has for long time promoted sustainable mobility; we see that as a very important topic to focus on, as the transport sector is responsible for about ¼ of world’s CO2 emissions. And now we can announce, that we saved 5000 kg CO2 by driving electric!
- Mali Folkecenter’s Founder visits Nordic Folkecenter A collaboration between the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, the sister organization Mali Folkecenter and the Danish company Energivagt will increase the energy supply in Mali with a Danish-developed Sun …
- 7th International Conference on Small & Medium Wind EnergyAfter six successful editions (both online and in presence), Folkecenter and the Small Test and Resource Centre for Small Wind Turbines are organizing the seventh conference with focus on small …