Since it’s foundation, Nordic Folkecenter has been a “must-stop” for all people working, or simple interested in, renewable energies and sustainable development. When you stop by you’ll experience nature mixed with installations, prototypes, sustainable buildings, historic artefacts and giant insects.
There’s different ways to experience Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy; you can choose to have a self-guided tour – there’s signs and you can be given a map of the cadastre; or you can call in advance and book a guided tour, where one of the emplyees will show you around. A guided tour can have a specifik focus, you just need to tell us, when you call to book.
Nordic Folkecenter is by the way located in an area known as “the Green Circle”, where a large majority of commercial renewable energy installations can be visited. From different types of district heating to the largest wind turbines in the world, passing through hydrogen installations and geothermal technology etc. and it can be reached quite quickly
Entrance (self-guided) / person | 30 DKK (4 €) |
Entrance (<14 years) | 0 DKK |
Guided tours | 500 DKK + 30 DKK/person |
Autocampers, per night, incl. entrance / vehicle | 75 DKK (10 €) |
Monday – Thursday | 8.00-16.00 |
Friday, Saturday and Sunday | By agreement |
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