Nordic Folkecenter represents Scandinavian renewable energy companies at the UN procurement seminar

De danske husstandsvinmøller er blandt de bedste i verden, og derfor vil Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi præsentere dem ved FN-indkøbsseminaret i København i midten af november.
De danske husstandsvinmøller er blandt de bedste i verden, og derfor vil Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi præsentere dem ved FN-indkøbsseminaret i København i midten af november.

In the coming week, the UN procurement seminar will be held in the UN city in Copenhagen. The Nordic Folkecenter for Sustainable Energy participates on behalf of a number of Scandinavian renewable energy companies to, among other things, promote small scale wind turbines to the UN procurement system.

– The Danish-produced small scale wind turbines are among the best in the world, and they are obvious tools for renewable energy solutions in the UN’s development programmes. In large parts of the world, access to electricity is insufficient, and small wind turbines are an obvious part of the solution, says Jane Kruse, director of the Nordic Folkecenter for Sustainable Energy.

The UN procurement seminar takes place from 13-15 November as a series of workshops that give Nordic companies the opportunity to meet with UN representatives from several agencies and present their solutions and products. The main aim of the seminar is to ensure that the Nordic countries continue to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to the UN, improve understanding of the UN’s needs and challenges and improve cooperation across public, private and international sectors.

Online meeting for renewable energy companies associated with Folkecentret

On 28 November, the Nordic Folkecenter will invite a number of the companies that are and have been associated with the center to an online meeting to present the most important points from the procurement seminar.

– We believe it is important for our companies to gain an insight into what the UN’s needs and wishes are in relation to sustainable solutions. Therefore, at the online meeting, we will pick up on the seminar, so that the companies that have not had the opportunity to be present themselves can be informed, says Jane Kruse.

The UN procurement seminar in Copenhagen is organized by the Nordic consortium consisting of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland and Danish Industry, Innovation Norway, Business Sweden, Business Iceland and Business Finland in partnership with the Nordic UN Global Compact and the Danish Export Association. See more.