POEASE – Final Conference

Those of you following us since a while are probably familiar with the name POEASE. For those for whom these are just senseless letters, they represent the acronym of Promote Online Education in a Sustainable Environment, which is the title of the project Folkecenter has been coordinating in since 2022.

The project, ran together with other six partners (ELGO-DIMITRA, AKMI, University College Dublin, BK-Consult, GloW efficiency, UAGN) from Germany, Spain, Ireland and Greece, aims at supporting ATVET (Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training) teachers and learners in their difficult journey towards increased digitalization and sustainability. To help that, the partnership developed 21 educational modules covering a wide range of topics, all aimed at improving sustainability in agriculture or at upskilling the digital competences of the target group; an important focus was also set on how to efficiently turn in-presence education into online.

The results of the project were presented in the final conference, which was held on June 20th in Nordic Folkecenter and which saw a good participation, both at national and international level. During the event, the project was presented and the audience got to know about the educational modules developed.

POEASE Final conference
Group Picture of the POEASE Conference (online and in presence participants)

This knowledge was not only theoretical, as, towards the end, participants were divided in groups (both online and in presence) and they were asked to each prepare a specific module. After the preparation time, they had to shortly present the gained knowledge to all the others; in this way, it  was possible to make people aware of the largest possible amount of material developed.

The approach seemed to be successful and the public was quite satisfied of the results.

The modules are available for free on https://poease.eu/ and they are currently undergoing the translation process in all the languages of the project.

The final conference was also part of the last transnational project meeting, which saw the partners coming together for the last time before the end of the project (31 July). During the meeting, final details were discussed and a small guided tour of Folkecenter and of the surroundings was organized.

The partners who joined in presence were quite happy of the experience, as the atmosphere was very relaxed.

We would like to thank them all for the efforts done during this project and we hope this will set the basis of further collaborations.