If you follow our profiles on social media you probably saw some pictures of two unknown girls at Nordic Folkecenter.
It is now time to unveil who they are: Ella Krogh Trillingsgaard and Rikke Birkkjær Hoeg, are students at the HF-Imagine kollegiet, a higher preparatory examination focusing on sustainability and sustainable living. They first got to know about Nordic Folkecenter in April, when they came with their school to visit our facilities; they found it really interesting, so they decided to use part of their vacations by being volunteers at Nordic Folkecenter.
Some of their tasks were to take care of the labyrinth (part of the Green Safari experience), which, they say, took quite some time, as the willow grows a lot and wild. They also helped moving some furniture, cutting branches which were making shadow on the PV panels, they did an artistic representation of SDG 7 and, lastly, the most delicious task: collecting the many kilos of redcurrant and making juice out of it.
During their stay (15-25 July) Ella and Rikke were accommodated both in the Tiny House and in the Passive Hose, which they found very nice; they liked especially the tiny house, because everything was so functional and there was a meaning for everything in there:
“Yes, it was a bit too warm, but it was sufficient to open the windows!”
Ella and Rikke found the atmosphere at Nordic Folkecenter very pleasant: they had the oppurtunity to speak and practice their English with the trainees and they used the chance to show the surroundings and their school. Together they played many games and they learned a lot from Jane Kruse, Director of Nordic Folkecenter.
On the question whether they would recommend the place to other students, their answer was:
“For sure! It is a nice place to be, where you can get knowledge in a different way. We would like to come back again in the future for some days!”
Thanks for these days together Ella and Rikke. You are for sure welcome again in Nordic Folkecenter and so are all those who may be interested in a volunteering period in Nordic Folkecenter.