Author: Pernille Manicus, translated by: Pernille Manicus
1.-3. September 2022, the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy participated in the Danish Climate People’s Meeting (Klimafolkemøde) in Middelfart, where we told interested parties about our trainee program and how the trainees are part of our work with renewable energy.

Climate action together with young people
On Wednesday evening, the bus turned onto Kammersgaardsvej to turn its nose south – in the back were brochures, banners, solar-powered helicopters, chairs, a Sun Generator and questionnaires – and on the seats sat excited trainees who probably didn’t know what the next few days would bring. But the destination was entered on the GPS: the Danish Klimafolkemøde in Middelfart.
Klimafolkemødet is an annual event that puts the climate at the top of the agenda. The purpose is quite simple: to inspire action – both for decision-makers, companies, organizations and citizens – and this year’s theme was ‘Climate action together’.
With funds from the Tuborg Foundation’s Ta’ Ordet pool – which supports projects where young people do activities at the year’s major events – Adrian, Louis Marie, Uygar, Prossy and Camila could talk to the Danish people about Nordic Folkecenter and their work there.
Adrian thinks it has been an interesting few days:
”It’s really nice, I’ve met so many different people – from people who ask me about renewable energy and what Folkecenter is to previous trainees and people in the industry (of renewable energy) as well.”
In booth no. 39 we had visits from politicians, opinion leaders, teachers, developers and the general interested population – and we must admit that our solar-powered helicopters were an eminent eye-catcher for bypassers. You would think that it was only children and young people who let themselves be drawn by the spinning rotors – but all age groups became curious, and this gave rise to a conversation about renewable energy and education with our trainees.
Trainee | Education |
Adrian | Civil Engineering Technology |
Louis Marie | General Engineering |
Uygar | Electrical and electronics Engineering |
Camila | Architect |
Prossy (visitor from Uganda) | Bachelor’s degree in Economic and Statistics and postgraduate in Monitoring and Evaluation |

We had three exciting days at the Klimafolkemøde with our young trainees, who took the floor and talked about training for a future where we move towards 100% renewable energy. In addition to the on-going workshop for all three days, 3 G. from HTX Lillebælt were invited to the workshop. During the next six months, the class will be working on a major exam project, so it was relevant for the young people to hear about our trainees work with renewable energy – and Nordic Folkecenter might become a sparring partner when it comes to research and data for their projects. where the HTX students can follow some of our trainees who are a step further in the education system. We also felt this interest from other interested secondary school teachers, just as they requested our material for use in teaching.
The principal of HTX Lillebælt, Lars Hansen, thinks it is important for young people to have knowledge about renewable energy:
“We think it was important that our students came to the Klimafolkemøde. And we think so, among other things, because they have some subjects in their education where it is important that they think about renewable energy sources.”

See you next year
Nordic Folkecenter’s participation at the Klimafolkemøde 2022 must be said to be a success, given that we could tell a lot of people about our work and our objective; we made new acquaintances within the world of education; our trainees experienced Danish democracy in full bloom and could practice debating and convey about renewable energy and education; and possible collaborations were explored.
So of course we hope that the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy will also be present at the Klimafolkemøde in 2023.