Building with pre-made straw elements

Modern straw construction at Feldballe Independent School

In the 90s, Denmark’s first straw house approved for habitation was built at the Nordic Folkecenter for Sustainable Energy. Lars Keller, who was heavily involved in the construction at the time, still works with straw houses, which today are something quite different from stacked straw bales. An example of modern straw construction Feldballe Friskole’s science and education building, which was built in 2021. The walls consist of straw elements, which are basically a wooden frame filled with straw.

Danish concept - wind energy

The ”secret” behind the success of Danish wind turbines

For many Danes wind turbines is today something we take for granted when staring out the window. You might even say that wind turbines and their industry has become a part of Denmark’s and the Danes self-understanding as something special we as a green nation have contributed to the world. And it’s not entirely wrong to say. The world’s largest producer of wind turbines is situated in Denmark. But why is that, and how?

Blade recycling example

Recycling of wind turbine blades

Up to 95 percent of the material and components in a modern wind turbine can be disassembled and reused. On the other hand, the wings, which typically consist of fiberglass held together by hardened epoxy glue, are difficult to separate. Therefore, in many places, old wind turbine blades are deposited indefinitely.