Workshop: Lav din egen bæredygtige og energibesparende julegave
Christmas is just around the corner, and everyone is starting to look for Christmas presents for their loved ones. This year you have the opportunity to make and give a …
Christmas is just around the corner, and everyone is starting to look for Christmas presents for their loved ones. This year you have the opportunity to make and give a …
Did you miss the 9th International Conference on Small and Medium Wind Energy? Don’t worry. We made the proceedings from the conference available for you. Read about the speakers and …
It is the CAISL project that is being talked about – at the seminar, Thursday 10 October 2024, the results of the project were presented; and what results. The project …
Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi inviterer til et seminar om CAISL-projektet (Climate Action for Improved and Sustainable Livelihoods). Projektet fokuserer på at fremme bæredygtig ...
A webinar that shed light on the inspiring Great Green Wall Initiative in Africa. This innovative project aims to combat climate change, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss by creating a belt of forested areas across various regions of Africa.
Pak arbejdshandskerne, de gode spørgsmål, tænd for ørerne og vær med til at bygge vores EU-Parlament, når Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi indbyder til EU Miljø- og Klimavalgmøde om forventninger …