Finally: Project Meeting in Tanzania

Between the 19th and the 24th of March 2022, after two years of online collaborations, the partners could finally meet physically in Tanzania.

During the meeting, besides discussions related to the project, new possibilities for future collaborations were also explored.

Project meeting - EASE CA
Project meeting
Local women keeping the pottery in perfect balance - EASECA
Local women keeping the pottery in perfect balance
Ovens for charcoal production - EASECA
Ovens for charcoal production
Charcoal production - EASECA
Charcoal production
Exhibition of electric pressure cookers - EASECA
Exhibition of electric pressure cookers
Museum of traditional houses - EASECA
Museum of traditional houses
Project meeting Tanzania 2022
Participants of the INFORSE and Tanzanian CSO meeting at the EASECA project meeting at TaTEDO
Project meeting Tanzania 2022
Partners of the EASECA Project at the project meeting at TaTEDO in Tanzania. (this is the one with the INFORSE T-shirt