East African Civil Society for Sustainable Energy & Climate Action (EASE – CA)

Folkecenter is proud to present the EASE & Ca project in East Africa. The project, named East African Civil Society for Sustainable Energy & Climate Action ran in the period June 2019 – March 2023 and it is was carried out in collaboration with INFORSE, INFORSE East Africa, Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organization (TaTEDO), Sustainable Environmental Development Watch (SusWatch), Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development (UCSD) and JEEP Folkecenter Uganda. The countries involved were Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Denmark and the aim of the project was to empower poor, rural communities to get access to clean energy and improved livelihoods in an economic and climate friendly way. The project actions were on a local, regional, national and international level.
The project is supported by CISU – Civil Society in Development, Denmark

Catalogues of Local Solutions:
Relevant Documents & Links:
- Catalogue: Local Sustainable Solutions in East Africa (Website)
- Catalogue: Local Sustainable Solutions in East Africa (Latest versions in PDF)
- Catalogue: Local Sustainable Solutions in East Africa (Published version)
- Brochure: Local Sustainable Solutions in East Africa: English | Swahili | Luganda | Runyakitara | Luo
Project hashtag:
Project’s Publications
JEEP – Joint Energy and Environment Projects
: P.o.Box 4264, Kampala, Uganda
: +256 414 578 316 or
+256 772 468 662
: www.jeepfolkecenter.org
att. Prossie Nabiyonga, Ruth Kiwanuka
UCSD – Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development
: P.O. Box 27551, Kampala, Uganda: +256 414 269 461
: www.ugandacoalition.or.ug
att. Richard Kimbowa

SusWatch – Sustainable Environmnental Development Watch
: PO Box 7659-40100, Kisumu, Kenya
: +254 202 584 757
: www.suswatchkenya.org
att. Wendy Mitoko, Norbert Nyandire
TaTEDO – Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organization
: PO box 32794, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
: +255 738 201 498
: www.tatedo.or.tz
Att. Mary Swai, Jensen, Jensen Shuma, Estomih N. Sawe

INFORSE – East Africa c/o TaTEDO, Tanzania
: www.inforse.org/africa
att. Estomih N. Sawe, Mary Swai, Jensen Shuma

INFORSE – International Network for Sustainable Energy
c/o INFORSE Europe
Address: Klosterport 4F 1s., Aarhus 8000, Denmark : +45 862 270 00
: www.inforse.org
att. Gunnar Boye Olesen, Judit Szoleczky
Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy – Project Coordinator
: Kammersgaardsvej 16, Sdr. Ydby, 7760 Hurup Thy (Denmark)
: +45 9795 6600
: www.folkecenter.net
Att. Nicolaj Stenkjær, Lene Høgh, Jane Kruse, Daniele Pagani
Project Activities
- Launch: Catalogue Local Sustainable Solutions – 2nd Edition
Folkecenter, and the whole EASE-CA partnership, are happy to announce the release of the 2nd Edition of the Catalogue for Local Sustainable Solutions.
The new version includes 11 more cases which can be used for inspiration towards the sustainability journey. Like the previous edition, it is available for free in digital version.
The catalogue adds to the vast collection of material prepared for the EASE-CA project, which is all available for consultation.
- Launch: “Uganda 100 % Renewable Energy Scenario and Plan by 2050”
On Friday 9 February 2023 there will be the “Uganda 100 % Renewable Energy Scenario and Plan by 2050” launch, by UCD. The event will take place at JEEP Folkecenter’s offices in Kampala (Uganda).
The related documents can be found below:
- Policy Brief;
- Full report;
- Uganda 100 % Renewable Energy Scenario and Plan by 2050″ by UCSD, Uganda, INFORSE-EA (Presentation)
- Clean Cooking in Uganda: What does Uganda need to offset the dire biomass energy demand in the run up to 2030? by JEEP, Uganda (Presentation)
More information can be found on UCD’s website.
Group picture of the launch event - EASE-CA in Sustainable Energy News
The November edition of the Sustainable Energy News (No. 86) features the EASE-CA project in a 3-page article. The newsletter can be accessed here
- After ending EASE-CA: The work continues
After the project ended in June, people have continued wit conservation activities.
Many people have continued with stove construction. There are 16 stoves recently done already in use. In Kakoge parish, 23 stoves are planned to be made by community trainers and this will continue to other parishes. In short, the rate is high.
During the project time, many people had made stoves and were in use. The challenge was repairing them. Currently almost all do repair stoves and continue using. They now believe the stoves are saving a lot on fuel, time and money. In Kasambya Parish, Namubiru Deborah, Godfrey Mukisa and Robina have continued making stoves for cash. They are very happy and will continue earning from stoves business.
A good nursery known as Friends for Nature is booming. Species such as; mangoes, eucalyptus, chogam and coffee are on market so the demand increases steadily.
Schools in Nakaseke such as; Kasagga Church of Uganda Primary School is saving good money and has planned to renovate the dormitory when the pupils break for holidays. The Head Teacher says, they could not afford this if they were to depend on the tuition fees, so using much less firewood enabled them save enough to do the renovation. This is a very good example for his fellow Head Teachers to learn from and he will encourage more to get an energy saving institutional stove.
Making efficient cook stoves
- Exhibition & Side Event at UNFCCC COP27
The partnership co-organized an exhibition and a side event at UNFCCC COP27, in Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt). The side event, titled “Local Climate – Sustainable Energy Solutions in Global Stocktake (GST), Why, How and from Where” took place on 12th November, 2022.
The presentations related to the EASE-CA project were:
- Promoting Local Solutions as Important Climate and Development Solutions in East Africa, Mary Swai, TaTEDO – Sustainable Energy Services Organization & INFORSE East Africa, Tanzania;
- Launch: Scenario and Proposals for Transition to 100% Renewable Energy in Uganda, ending Unsustainable Wood Fuel and other Biomass Consumption, and replacing Fossil Fuels, Kimbowa Richard, Programme Manager- Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development, (UCSD) Chair – INFORSE East Africa;
- Local Solutions in GST , 100 % Renewables Kenya – Key Message from East Africa, Nobert Ochieng Nyandire, Suswatch, Kenya;
Proceeding are available here.
Official Side Event at COP27 - Launch: INFORSE-Uganda Members’ Joint Statement
The INFORSE-Uganda members made a joint statement to:
- The Global Green Growth Week 2022;
- The Uganda Renewable Energy Conference & Expo 2022;
The statement can be found here.
- Participation the UNFCCC SB56
The partnership participated to the UNFCCC SB56 meeting, which took place in Bonn (Germany) on June 11, 2022, with an official side event titled “Local Cimate – Sustainable Energy Solutions in GST, 100% RE, Sufficiency: East Africa, South Asia, Europe”.
The EASECA Project’s results were presented at the UNFCCC SB56 side event by speakers from SusWatch Kenya, UCSD in Uganda, TaTEDO in Tanzania, and INFORSE-Europe.
The Proceedings and the Program of the side event can be found here.
Presentation at SB56 Group picture of the partners attending SB56 - Seminar in Denmark: Transfer Knowledge and Create Change
On June 3rd, the partnership join once more together in Denmark, at Nordic Folkecenter, where they participated to the seminar “Transfer Knowledge and Create Change”. The program of the event can be found here: English | Dansk
The proceedings of the seminar can be found on folkecenterevents.net.
The audience listens carefully to the information provided during the seminar Touching technology with your hands is a way to understand it better Parallel workshops were integrating part of the seminar – because practical learning is always better! Tonny Brink, our CTO (right) explains how do electric car work Jane Kuse, our director (left) explains how to cook with the Sun Generator Lene Høgh (right, in blue), project coordinator, explains how to grow a garden in a bag Group picture Group picture with INFORSE (our partners) Excursion to the Danish Test and Resource Centre for Small Wind Turbines, in Hundborg Excursion to the Danish National Test Center for Large Wind Turbines, in Østerild
- Finally: Project Meeting in Tanzania
Between the 19th and the 24th of March 2022, after two years of online collaborations, the partners could finally meet physically in Tanzania.
During the meeting, besides discussions related to the project, new possibilities for future collaborations were also explored.
Project meeting Local women keeping the pottery in perfect balance Ovens for charcoal production Charcoal production Exhibition of electric pressure cookers Museum of traditional houses Participants of the INFORSE and Tanzanian CSO meeting at the EASECA project meeting at TaTEDO Partners of the EASECA Project at the project meeting at TaTEDO in Tanzania. (this is the one with the INFORSE T-shirt
- Submission of the First Input Phase of the Global Stocktake (SB56)
The partnership submitted the first input for the participation to the SB56 conference from the UN, which will take place in June 2022. The input, which focuses on energy efficiency and sustainable cooking, can be found here.
- Local Solution Catalogue Available also in Paper Format!
We are please to inform you that the printed format of the Catalogue for Local Solutions is now available. The catalogue, which consists of 140 pages, has been printed in 400 copies, which will be distributed to the relevant stakeholders.
You can find the printed version here.
The catalogue will keep on being updated with new cases. The latest update can always be found on the dedicated page (localsolutions.inforse.org).
- Webinar: Climate COP26 Outcome & the Way to COP27 in Egypt, Africa
On November 25th, 2021, our partners from INFORSE East-Africa organized a webinar titled “Climate COP26 Outcome & the Way to COP27 in Egypt, Africa“.
The event consisted of:
- Welcome by Richard Kimbowa, chair of INFORSE-EA, UCSD, Uganda
- Presentation of the Climate COP26 Outcome, Decisions by Gunnar B. Olesen, INFORSE Secr. (pdf) and by Nobert Nyandire, SusWatch Kenya (pdf)
- What Difference it Made that Civil Society, INFORSE participated? by Mary Swai, TaTEDO, Tanzania / INFORSE-East Africa. (pdf)
- The Way Forward to COP27, Focus on Africa by Sixbert Mwanga, CAN-Tanzania /CAN-Africa
- Q & A, Discussion
- Outcome of INFORSE – EAST Africa in COP26
Our partners from INFORSE -EAST Africa have published their outcome of COP26. The document can be found here.
- Side Event at COP26
The partnership organized a side event at COP26. The event, titled “Local Climate Solutions & Eco-Village Development, 100% RE in NDCs, East Africa, South Asia, Europe” took place on November 5th, 2021.
The topics covered during the event were:
- Policy proposals for local solutions in NDCs & Global Stocktake
- Launch catalogues of climate solutions in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda)
- Eco-village development in South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka), for energy access & gender equality,
- 100 % renewables: Europe, Kenya, Uganda.
Video and proceedings can be found here.
- EASE-CA on Sustainable Energy News
The new edition of the Sustainable Energy News features also some articles on the EASE-CA project. The material can be accessed here.
- INFORSE East Africa Position to COP26
The INFORSE East Africa’s Position to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP26), in Glasgow, UK in November 2021 is now available and can be found here.
- Event: UN Sustainable Development HLPF 2021
On 13 July, 2021, the partnership organized a virtual side event for the UN event “UN Sustainable Development HLPF 2021“, taking place in New York.
The event, titled “Local Climate Solutions for a Sustainable & Resilient Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic in East Africa, and South Asia; Women’s Role; 100 % Renewables as driver for climate mitigation from Denmark to Kenya and Globally.“, had the following topics presented:
- Catalogue of 50+ local sustainable and climate solutions in East Africa
- 100 % renewables scenarios as part of climate neutrality strategies to Kenya
The proceedings can be found here.
- UNHLDE DIALOGUE ON ENERGY – Ministerial Thematic Forums
On June 22nd, 2021, the partners organized a virtual side event at the UN event “UNHLDE DIALOGUE ON ENERGY – Ministerial Thematic Forums“, which took place in New York. The title of the event was: “Local Solutions, Eco-Village Development, 100% Renewables, E-2/3 wheelers; South Asia & East Africa“.
During the event, the following topics were covered:
- Presentation of INFORSE-EastAfrica/TaTEDO, Tanzania by Jensen Shuma/Mary Swai,.
- Presentation of the Catalogue of Climate Solutions in East Africa by EASECA Project partners (Online/Offline) by Wendy Mitoko, Suswatch Kenya
- Introduction to 100 % Renewables & E-bikes in Europe by Gunnar Boye Olesen
- 100 % renewables scenario in Kenya by Justus Munyoki, Suswatch Kenya
- 100 % renewables scenario in Ugnada Richard Kimbowa UCSD, Uganda
The presentations can be found here.
- 100% Renewable Energy in Kenya
On May 21st, the partners organized a webinar titled: “How Kenya can Become 100% Renewable – Virtual Validation Meeting for the CSOs’ Joint Proposal”. The program can be found here. The following material was presented:
- How Kenya can Become 100% Renewable (Policy brief);
- 100% Energy Plan for Kenya by 2050, (Report) by SusWatch Kenya;
- 100% Energy Plan for Kenya by 2050, (Presentation) by SusWatch Kenya;
More information about the topic can be found here.
- E-Mobility in East Africa Event
On May 4th, the partners organized a webinar focusing on e-mobility solutions in East Africa. The program was the following:
- Global perspectives and Overview of e-mobility initiatives in East Africa by Ms. Judith Adem Owigar, UN HABITAT;
- Practitioner experience by Mr. Alex Makaliwa, General Manager, Solar e-cycle, Nairobi, Kenya;
- State of E-mobility by Mr. Michael Muchiri, Ministry of Transport, Kenya.
- Electric 3-wheelers in Bangladesh by Mr. SohelAhmed, Grameen Shakti, INFORSE Coord. in Bangladesh
- Lessons from Europe & Closing remarks – Mr. Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE secretariat
The event was moderated by Mr. Kimbowa Richard, INFORSE-East Africa Chair, UCSD.
- Local Launch of the Catalogue of Sustainable Solutions
On February 12th and on February 25th, the catalogue was presented in Tanzania and Kenya respectively. Our local partners (TaTEDO and SusWatch) were in charge of the events.
- Catalogue for Sustainable Solutions on Sustainable Energy News
- Local Launch of the Catalogue of Sustainable Solutions
On December 22nd, the catalogue was presented in Uganda, by our partners Joint Energy and Environmental Project (JEEP Folkecenter).
- Launch of the Catalogue: Local Sustainable Solutions in East Africa
In occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement, the partners launched the online catalogue: Local Sustainable Solutions in East Africa. The aim of the catalogue is to showcase good practices for sustainable solutions, which can be replicated both in East Africa and elsewhere in the world. The catalogue is available online at the address http://localsolutions.inforse.org and it will continue to get updated with new cases for the whole duration of the project and more).
- Event on Electric Pressure Cookers in Africa
n November 27th, the partners from INFORSE-East Africa (Tatedo, UCSD, SusWatch Kenya, Joint Energy and Environment Projects) organized an online event on electric pressure cookers in Africa. The program consisted of the following:
- Dr Jon Leary, MECS, Loughborough University – Overview of the Modern Energy Cooking Services, MECS Programme in East Africa;
- Mr. Estomih N. Sawe, Tatedo, Centre for Sustainable Energy Service, Tanzania, INFORSE-East Africa – Tanzanian Experience.
- Ms. Agness Mwikali Kalyonge, Kisambara Ventures Ltd – Kenyan Experience.
- Mr. Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE – International views & Closing Remarks.
- Participation to the UN Climate Change Dialogues 2020
The partners of the project participated to the UN Climate Change Dialogues meeting (online) with the event: “Local Climate & Sustainable Energy Solutions in East Africa Catalogue, South Asia Eco-Village Development ToT, 100% Renewables”. The proceedings of the event are available here.
- Launch of the Report “100 % Renewable Energy Scenario in Kenya by 2050”
- Participation to the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
The partners of the project participated to the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development with an event titled “Local Climate & Sustainable Energy Solutions, South Asia, East Africa, Eco-Village Development, 100% Renewables”.
The proceedings of the event can be found here.
- Policy Brief, Tanzania, by TaTEDO
The policy brief: “CSOs Call for Accelerating Implementation of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) in Tanzania in Order to Close the Energy Gap” is available here.
- EASE & CA on Sustainable Energy News
- Participation to COP25
- Uganda NGO Coalition Meeting on Climate and Sustainable Energy
The policy brief on NDCs in Uganda is available here.
- Publication Launch
The first publications of the project are now available for consultation! You can find them here:
- Tanzania NGO Coalition Meeting on Climate and Sustainable Energy
The policy brief on NDCs in Tanzania is available here.
- Uganda National Energy and Minerals Week
Press Release: Uganda Should Scale up Energy Efficiency to Secure Sustainable Energy for ALL and to Increase Local Climate Action by UCSD, JEEP, INFORSE-East Africa
Download the press release here.
- Kenya NGO Coalition Meeting on Climate and Sustainable Energy
The policy brief on NDCs in Kenya is available here.
- Project Start – EASE-CA
The East Africa Civil Society (EASE-CA) had project launch July 1, 2019. 22/7 – 26/7 2019, the six organizations in the EASE-CA project met at JEEP Uganda to hold a kick off meeting.
The East Africa Civil Society project takes place in three districts of Uganda and at the national level in the three partner countries and is also intended to strengthen cooperation and participation of civil society organizations at international level.
The project is supported by CISU – Civil Society in Development, Denmark