Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy is on the Financial Law 2022

The agreeing parties have decided to set aside financial means for Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy to support the center’s work in conveying knowledge on renewable energy both nationally and internationally, and to support the development tasks in collaboration with small and medium Enterprises (SMEs).

With this means, Folkecenter continues the many years of work in informing more than 5,000 national and international visitors per year, of which about 30 engineering students from the whole word who stay with us for a period of 4 month each, approximately. Civil society, students from all levels of educations, policy makers and companies which would like knowledge from an independent center can now continue to use Nordic Folkecenter. The 17 UN goals will continue to be presented in all the visits.

Similarly, now the cooperation on R&D together with SMEs got a strengthen focus. Today there are 11 small companies on the way with new projects (construction of prototypes, testing of installations, search for partners and network). In the years 2019 and 2021 there were 14 small companies which contacted Folkecenter for prototype development and for testing new renewable energy technologies.

The Financial Law moves with big steps towards the necessary green development, to the advantage of climate and of our common future.

It is a big and important task, which Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy is gladly happy to continue lifting.

Questions can be addressed to:

Ole Vagn Christensen, Chair of the board, t: +45 30 26 97 92

Jane Kruse, Director, t: +45 97 95 66 00