New Project: Renewable Energy Training in the Arctic Region

The Greenlandic government has adopted a national policy objective of converting the country’s energy supply to renewable energy as far as possible. Expansion and investment in Renewable Energy must take place in both the smaller and larger cities.

Together with 4 other partners, Nordisk Folkecenter has applied for, and been granted, a project with the title: “Operating technician in renewable energy under Arctic conditions, Ingerlatsinermut issittumi piujuaannartumik nukissiuteqarnermut teknikeri“.

The 5 partners will develop a continuing education program for skilled and unskilled technicians for the more than 50 settlements in West and East Greenland. The program contains modules that are offered as both distance learning and attendance modules. The settlements must be made independent of diesel generators, which will be replaced by new hybrid energy solutions. This creates new jobs that involve knowledge about maintenance, management of the plants, and about optimizing energy communities with wind turbines, solar cells, micro-hydropower, batteries and LED lighting.

For this task, knowledge and experience from the 5 partners must create the best opportunities for the local areas, to be able to handle the daily tasks with energy plants, with a type of production plant that has not previously been implemented in the affected places. The partner institutions are:

  1. Nukissiorfiit, Greenland Energy Company
  2. Greenland Technical School KTI
  3. Svalbard Folkehøyskole, Norge
  4. Herningsholm Erhvervsskole, Danmark
  5. Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi, Danmark

The grant, which extends over 30 months, is awarded from Nordplus Adult 2021. Nordic Folkecenter is the project manager.

Contact: Jane Kruse, +45 9795 6600