Preben Maegaard
Hjem / About us / Preben Maegaard

Preben Maegaard, born 1935, was a Danish renewable energy pioneer, author and expert.
Since the oil crisis in 1974, he has worked locally, nationally and internationally at the organizational, political and technological level for the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
Since 1979 he covered many charges in renewable energy institutions and associations, both nationally and internationally; he served several Danish national governmental committees and councils for the development and implementation of renewable energy and he was also Renewable Energy Adviser for some foreign countries.
From 1984 to 2013 he was director of the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy. In this capacity he was responsible for the technological innovation of wind turbines, including design, construction and implementation of sizes between 20 to 525 kW. He was involved in the development of farm biogas digesters (from 50 to 1.000 m3), as well as of integrated energy systems
including hydrogen and biofuels for transport.
The Folkecenter has, under his leadership, provided transfer of renewable energy technology to many countries, and set up numerous pilot projects worldwide. As part of these activities hundred of dedicated trainees from all continents have been involved and obtained valuable hand-on experiences that paved the way for dedicated and leading positions in their professional career.
For over three decades Preben was a conference director, organizer, speaker and participant to numerous national and international seminars, workshops and conferences. His activity as author and co-author led him to produce numerous reports, books, articles and periodicals in Danish, English, German and Japanese within the field of renewable energy and sustainable development.
Preben died quietly in his sleep at the age of 85, after a long illness.
Born September 25, 1935, Preben Maegaard was a Danish renewable energy pioneer, author and expert. Since the oil crisis in 1974 he has worked for the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
Preben Maegaard was co-founder of the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, established in 1983, and its director from 1984 to 2013 ( In this capacity he was responsible for the technological innovation of wind turbines, including design, construction and implementation of sizes from 20 to 525 kW, farm biogas digesters from 50 to 1000 m3 as well as integrated energy systems including hydrogen and biofuels for transport.
The technological development and implementation activities took place in cooperation with DS Trade and Industry (
The Folkecenter has under his leadership provided transfer of renewable energy technology to many countries, and set up numerous pilot projects worldwide.
Preben Maegaard worked locally, nationally and internationally organisational, political and technological levels within a broad spectrum of renewable energy technologies.

From 1979 to 1984 Preben Maegaard was chairman of the Danish Renewable Energy Association (OVE), since 1991, vice-president of EUROSOLAR (the European Renewable Energy Association) and in 2006, appointed senior vice-president. Since 1992 he has been co-ordinator of the European Solar Prize in Denmark and member of the European Solar Prize Jury. In 1995 he became Member of Senate, UTER, Technical University, Havana. In 1996 and the following years, Preben Maegaard was member of the board of EUROSUN, an intergroup set up by the European Parliament. Since 1999, he has been a board member of the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) and Renewable Energy Adviser to the President of Mali, Alpha Konare, leading to the establishment of the Mali Folkecenter. In 2001, he became a chairperson of the Committee of the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE).
When the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) was founded in 2001, he became its first president, a position he held till 2005. In May 2006, the World Wind Energy Institute (WWEI) was initiated in Kingston, Canada, involving seven institutes from China, Brazil, Cuba, Canada, Russia, Egypt and Denmark. Preben Maegaard was appointed the first president of the WWEI. He was co-founder of the SolarSuperState Association when it was founded in 2012 and became its first president.
Preben Maegaard has served on several Danish national governmental committees and councils for the development and implementation of renewable energy as member of:
Renewable Energy Steering Group (1981-1991);
- National Board of Technology; National Renewable Energy Council in Denmark (1991-1996);
- National Committee Biomass for Energy (1985-1989);
- National Committee for Solar Energy (1995-2002);
- National Committee for Wave Power (1997-2002);
- National Committee for Hydrogen from Renewable for Transport Purposes (1998-2002).
For over three decades, Preben Maegaard has been conference director, organiser, speaker and/or participant of numerous national and international seminars, workshops and conferences, chairman of the World Wind Energy Conferences: WWEC2003 in Cape Town, WWEC2004 in Beijing and WWEC2005 in Melbourne (

Preben Maegaard was author and co-author of numerous reports, books, articles and periodicals in Danish, English, German and Japanese within the field of renewable energy and sustainable development and has received a number of awards.
In March 2010 Preben Maegaard was featured in documentary film “The Fourth Revolution“, together with Hermann Scheer, Ibrahim Togola, Elon Musk and other important personalities within the renewable energy field.
After Preben Maegaard’s death, occurred on 25 March 2021, Carl-A. Fechner and the fechnerMedia Team, the creators of the documentary, prepared the following video tribute:
Professional career
1957 – 1962: Economist, graduated in Microeconomics, Human Resources and International Trade. Copenhagen School of Business and Economics.
Studies, Law and Ethnography, Copenhagen University.
1962 – 1965: Economist, Statistical Planning Bureau, Ministry of Housing
1965 – 1970: Lecturer, Adult Education, Social Sciences and Human Ecology, Open University Courses and Danish Folk High Schools
1970 – 1975: Manager, NORDENFJORD College of Innovative Productions and Human Development
1975 – 1983: Consultant and Project Implementation Manager for Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Renewable Energy.
Project management | Organisation: Dansk Smedemesterforening (DS Trade & Industry)
1976 – 1982: Cooperation about development of construction manuals. 11, 22, 55 kW wind turbines for the Danish market. Marketing strategies. Association of 2000 members, 20 companies directly involved. Coordination, testing and approval.
1980 – 1982: Coordination of project group design engineering and product implementation. 100 kW wind turbine (Rudbjerg). Supported by Danish Agency of Industry.
1981 – 1985: Farm biogas, 50, 100, 200 cubic meter. Cooperation about development of construction manuals. Marketing strategies. Four companies directly involved. Coordination, testing and approval. Supported by Danish Agency of Industry
Founder and director | Organisation: Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy


1984 – 1992: Development of construction manual. Wind turbine, 150, 200, 275 and 525 kW. Corporation development of manufacturing incl. subcontractors.
1987 – 1988: Large-scale solar collector for direct heating. Supported by Danish Agency of Industry.
1987 – 1989: Local island production and usage. Prototype development. Wind turbine project Bornholm, Denmark, 9 x 99 kW. Local production within the Baltic Power organization.
1990 – 1992: Organization of local production of wind power in Poland. Local production organization, building and testing. 95 kW. Supported by Danish Agency of Industry
1992: Solar technology, Hungary. Technology transfer. Partly local production. Training of local staff.
1992 – 1993: University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. Transfer and installation of FC type 75 kW wind turbine for island wind-diesel operation. Supported by Danish Agency of Industry
1991 – 1994: Technology transfer of Hydrogen-electrolyze system from Ukraine to Denmark.
1996 – 1997: 600 kW wind turbine project in Kaliningrad. Supported by Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
1998: Home power, Transylvania, Rumania, 3 kW wind turbine and solar cell system. Remote area, stand alone system. Supported by European Commission.
1997- 1999: 10 kW wind turbine tech to Bayamo, Cuba, Technical University in Havana. Technology transfer, erection and testing. Local production.
1998: Biogas plant, Kaunas, Lithuania, Development, production, installation and commissioning using local producers. Supported by Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
2001: Biogas plant, Yubetsu, Japan, Development, production in Denmark. Installation and commissioning using local assistance. Coordination for Kawasaki Engineering.
1998 – 2002: Advisor to the President of Mali, Alpha Konaré. Implementation of village electrification in the Sikasso region. Building and operation of RE training center in Tabaccoro, Mali. Supported by Danida
1990 – 1995: Information and marketing of renewable energy and technology transfer of Danish know-how.
Mobile exhibition campaigns and information to eight East European countries. Committee member in Danish board technology. 1988 – 1995: Concept development, technology research, project development, coordination and advising of Danish local cogeneration scheme. The target group was local consumer owned district heating associations. Appx. 200 installations with a grand total of 2.700 MW by 1995
Books & Brochures
Gorroño Albizu L., Maegaard, P., Kruse J. Community Wind Power for the world (available here: )
Beuse, E.; Boldt, J.; Maegaard, P.; Meyer, N.I.; Windeleff, J.; Ostergaard, I. (2000) Vedvarende energi i Danmark. En krønike om 25 opvækstår 1975 – 2000, OVE’s Forlag; Aarhus
Maegaard, P.; Kruse, J. (2001) Energien fra Thy. Fra de lokale til det globale, Nordvestjysk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi; Hurup Thy
Maegaard, P. (2003) Wind Energy for the Future, Keynote paper prepared for the 13th Islamic Academy of Science, IAS, Conference; Kuching, Malaysia
El Bassam, N.; Maegaard, P. (2004) Integrated Renewable Energy for Rural Communities, ELSEVIER; Amsterdam and London.
Maegaard, P. (2004) Die Kraft der Sonne in den Dienst der Menschheit stellen. In Hermann Scheer. Praktische Visionen, Ponte Press; Bochum
Maegaard, P. (2004) Laudatio for Dr. Hermann Scheer, The WORLD WIND ENERGY AWARD, WWEC2004; Beijing
E Thybo Andersen, Finn; Maegaard, Preben: (2006) Byvandringer 1968 ¤ Bykulturen ved vejs ende, YNKB TEMA 12; København, ISSN 1602-2815
Maegaard, P., (2010) “Wind Energy Development and Application Prospects, of Non-Grid-Connected Wind Power,” in: Proceedings of 2009 World Non-Grid-Connected Wind, Power and Energy Conference. IEEE Press.
Maegaard, P.: (2012) “Integrated Systems to Reduce Global Warming” in “Handbook of Climate Mitigation”, Vol IV, Springer Science, New York
El Bassam, N., Maegaard, P., Schlichting, M.L., (2013) “Distributed Renewable Energies for Off-Grid Communities,” Elsevier Science, New York
Maegaard, P., Palz, W., Krenz, A.: (2013) “Power for the World, The Rise of Modern Wind Energy“, Vol 2, Part I, Pan Stanford, Singapore
Maegaard, P., Palz, W., Krenz, A.: (2013) “Power for the World, International Reviews and Developments“,Vol 2, Part II, Pan Stanford, Singapore

- Grøn energi skaber aktivitet og beskæftigelse, by Preben Maegaard and Jane Kruse (in Danish)
- Founding the International Renewable Energy Agency -IRENA, presentation by Preben Maegaard (in English)
- Hvem sagde energiby? by Preben Maegaard (in Danish)
- Transition to Energy Efficient Supply of Heat and Power, by Preben Maegaard, December 2007 (in english)
- Energy Security in Africa with Renewable Energy, by Preben Maegaard (in English)
- 100% lokalteje er absolut realistisk, by Jane Kruse & Preben Maegaard, January 2008 (in Danish)
- Levende hav, Indlæg, Preben Maegaard, 8. december 2007 (in Danish)
- Nej til fossile brændsler. Ja til vedvarende energi og energieffektivitet! (in Danish)
- Energiforsyningen tilbage til borgerne, by Jane Kruse, 18. November 2007 (in Danish)
- Transition to Energy Efficient Supply of Heat and Power, CHP in Denmark 1990-2001 (in English)
- Brug overløbsstrømmen til billig varme, Debatindlæg sendt til Jyllands-Posten, oktober 2007 (in Danish)
- Vedvarende energi skal være lokalt forbrugereje, Debatindlæg sendt til Nordjyske, 8. oktober 2007 (in Danish)
- Ærlig omstilling til grøn togdrift, Debatindlæg sendt til Ingeniøren, oktober 2007 (in Danish)
- Har Danmark måske interesser indenfor atomkraft?, Debatindlæg sendt til Berlingske Tidende, februar 2007 (in Danish)
- Atomkraft hører til på teknisk museum, Debatindlæg bragt i Ingeniøren. (in Danish)
- The Energy Shop, by Preben Maegaard (in English)
- Alle skal betale for den grønne strøm, til nordjyske 24.4.2007 (in Danish)
- Vedvarende energi kræver nye politiske koste, Debatindlæg sendt til Nordjyske, januar 2007 (in Danish)
- Drømmen om den sikre og billige atomkraft vil ikke dø, (in Danish)
- Vil regeringen have atomkraft eller vedvarende energi?, 2004 (in Danish)
- Self-sufficient community, windmills in Sydthy, by Jane Kruse and Preben Maegaard, August 2002 (in English)
- Wind Energy Development and Application Prospects of Non-Grid-Connected Wind Power by Preben Maegaard (conference article, in English)
- Die Flügel sind der Kern des Ganzen, by Preben Maegaard (in German)
- Successful implementation of wind power, by Preben Maegaard (in English)
- Denmark: Wind Leader in Stand-By, by Preben Maegaard, Article for European Sustainable Energy (in English)
- Towards a New Wind Energy Promotion Policy, Abstractby Preben Maegaard, WWEC 2008 (in English)
- En ny vindmøllepoliti, by Jane Kruse & Preben Maegaard, February 2008 (in Danish)
- Fremtidens vindmøller skal ejes almennyttigt, by Jane Kruse, 4. December 2007 (in danish)
- Tendentiøs rapport om overløbsstrøm fra vindmøller, Debatindlæg bragt i Information, September 2007 (in Danish)
- Vindmøllernes folkelige forfald, by Jane Kruse and Preben Maegaard, September 2007 (in Danish)
- Vindmøllestatistik, Debatindlæg sendt til Politiken, april 2007 (in Danish)
- Vindkraft i Thy, Debatindlæg sendt til Nordjyske, marts 2007 (in Danish)
- Vindkraft skal være offentlig forsyningsvirksomhed og ikke et investeringsprojekt, Debatindlæg sendt til Naturlig Energi, marts 2007 (in Danish)
- Danmarks vindmølleindustri under internationalt pres, Debatindlæg sendt til Ingeniøren, februar 2007 (in Danish)
- Fremtidens muligheder i stedet for fortidens fejl, Debatindlæg sendt til Berlingske Tidende (in Danish)
- Vindkraft skal være offentlig forsyningsvirksomhed og ikke et investeringsobjekt., March 2007, for Naturlig Energi (in Danish)
- Må den ansvarlige borger sætte små møller op?, Læserbrev til Thisted Dagblad, november 2006 (in Danish)
- Tre vinger, et gear, et tårn og du har en vindmølle, by Preben Maegaard, 2004 (in Danish)
- The Driving Forces of the Worldwide Implementation of Wind Energy, by Preben Maegaard, October 2004 (in English)
- Three times as many wind turbines with hydrogen busses (in English)
- Brintøkonomi som vejen til atomkraft, Debatindlæg sendt til Ingeniøren. (in Danish)
Solar energy
- Die Kraft der Sonne in den Dienst der Menschheit stellen, by Preben Maegaard, 2004 (in German)
- Politiske rammebetingelser for udbygning med solceller i Tyskland, markeds- og beskæftigelsesudviklingen samt de globale perspektiver,2006 (in Danish)
- Politiske rammebetingelser for udbygning med solceller i Tyskland, markeds- og beskæftigelsesudviklingen samt de globale perspektiver,Tilsendt Folketingets Energipolitiske Udvalg den 21. juni 2006 (in Danish)
- Gennembrud for biogas til landbruget, ca. 1996 (in Danish)
Politics & Law
- Status for IRENA, November 2007 (in Danish)
- Samfundseje af vedvarende energi, January 2007 (in Danish)
- Vedvarende energi kræver nye politiske koste, Debatindlæg sendt til Nordjyske, januar 2007 (in Danish)
- German Renewable Energy Law and its Innovative Tariff Principles. 2001 (English version)
- Hvad er et passiv hus, Bliver bragt i Ingeniøren januar 2007 (in Danish)
- Stig Vindeloev In Memoriam, by Preben Maegaard
- Landdistrikterne i Thy skal ikke afvikles, by Jane Kruse (in Danish)
- Laudatio for Dr. Hermann Scheer by Preben Maegaard, 2004 (English version)