Rådgivning i ESG

The abbreviation ‘ESG’ stands for Environment, Social & Governance and it is a collection of efforts within strategy work that organizations and companies must do to meet the increasing number …

Folkecentrets bestyrelse

Per Thostrup, chairman of Nordic Folkecenter says:  – At the board meeting on the 22’nd of April 2024, Lars Grøn Schjoldager was elected vice chairman. The former chairman, Christian Nereus …

Group picture - POEASE + 21th Century Coaching members

POEASE – Endnu en gang i Grækenland

Just couple of weeks after the PERMAGOV meeting, we also attended the POEASE project meeting, which took place in Thessaloniki (Greece) from 4th to 8th of March. Also in this case, Tonny Brink and Daniele Pagani represented Folkecenter.

Judith van Leeuwen, PERMAGOV

PERMAGOV-partnerskab mødes i Bruxelles

Et år er gået, og PERMAGOV-projektet er godt i gang med at kortlægge relevante EU-havpolitikker og tale med relevante parter om, hvordan implementering og ydeevne af havpolitikkerne kan forbedres.